Wednesday, February 28, 2007

No Knitting for Me

Dave's decree. I can't knit for the rest of the week. I've been whinning of pain in my wrist and my elbow and he said I hadda stop 'for it got too bad and was like for real perm. and stuff.

So I'm stopping. Mostly. I finished a hat in SWS in Natural Plum tonight. My friend who I taught to knit just made one out of the Nat. Geranium color and I needed it after I saw her's finished. She also made a really nice scarf with fringe. She even matched up the colors to have nice coordinating fringes. Way more love that I'd give a scarf. Ah, no matter. She's in the middle of her second scarf, this one for her to be Mother in Law. It's nat. earth and it looks a lot like the walls of Providence canyon or some other stratified dirt place.

Not so much for the pretty words tonight.

The Whitman socks are languishing in the middle of the first leg repeat of the lace pattern. I'm itchin' to get those off of my needles. They next yarn I think will be a tencel mix I got for Graduation from the GREATEST cousin of all, Cal.

I made sock blockers from hangers last night. They were super easy, although I am not sure if ANY of them are the same size/shape. *shrugs* So then I washed my two complete pairs of socks in the sink with some Aussie shampoo and hung them to dry overnight. I meant to wear a pair today, but it was hot so no wool for these toes. I'm sad now that summer is back in. Damn stupid short, mild, joke of a winter. I want to wear warm socks for longer. :( pout pout pout.

For a post with no pictures and no real content, I think it's gone on long enough.

So to recap, no knitting, damn, stupid weather, want to knit.wear more socks.

-> SO feels like Ross.

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